Tolu Oluwo Bags IPDCRM Fellowship Award
The Institute of Personality Development and Consumer Relationship Development has formally conferred its honorary fellowship award on Public Relations Consultant, Tolu Oluwo in recognition of his contributions to the Corporate world and the nation’s economy.
The tRoG World Chief Executive Officer was honored during the 2021 edition of Corporate Charistma Award and Conference which held recently in Ibadan.
The award according to the organisers is in recognition of Oluwo’s worthy contribution towards the growth of the Nigerian media and communication industry especially, his efforts as a Public Relations expert in Ibadan.
The body confirmed that the award’s intent was to celebrate his professional and entrepreneurial journey and his sterling records as an entrepreneur in the Social Media sector of the Nigerian economy.
The organisers noted that Tolu Oluwo has used his brand, tRoG World to manage reputable local and international brands, while his entrepreneurial skills has helped in growing a Digital PR sector in the country.
In his response, Tolu Oluwo thanked the organisers for the recognition, adding that it would spur him to do more as an entrepreneur.
While he reinstated his company’s commitment to do more, he described the recognition as an indication that his company was getting it right.
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Description : Tolu Oluwo Bags IPDCRM Fellowship Award The Institute of Personality Development and Consumer Relationship Development has formally conferre...
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