Aderayo Adenigbabe (ADEARAYO) is an upcoming Gospel Artiste who was born on the 21st of April,1999 at a local government in Lagos State named Ifako-Ijaiye. Putting her State of Origin into consideration, she happens to be a native of Ijesha located in Osun State. Moreso, she is a graduate of Accounting From a private University around Abeokuta Axis of Ogun state Named "Intellectual Harvede University. She started her musical career in the Church Juvenile Choir at the age of 7 as a backup Singer at C.A.C Mount of Peace Ifako-Ijaiye in which she later join the main Choir of the aforementioned church at the age of 12 also as a backup Singer and from this level being very persistent With her training under a very limited period of time emerged as one of the leading vocalists of the same church. She even moved a step further by joining and became one of the key vocalists in her departmental choir at the University level. In 2021, she recorded her first ever single track titled "HALLELUJAH" which was produced by G-PIANO under the umbrella of G-WORLD MUSIC EMPIRE....
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Description : Aderayo Adenigbabe (ADEARAYO ) is an upcoming Gospel Artiste who was born on the 21st of April,1999 at a local government in Lagos State na...
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